Financial Independence Calculator

The FI Calculator is here to help you find your FI Number, the dollar amount in income producing assets you'll need in order to meet the 4% draw down rule of thumb.

The 4% rule is based on several studies and financial advice that if you don't drawdown more then 4% of your nest egg each year, you will not run out of money when you stop working.

This means that you're financially independent when you have 25 times your yearly expenses invested that you could draw down from.

The FI Calculator will take your current monthly expenses including rent or mortgage, and then based on whether you will still have rent or mortgage in retirement, provide your projected yearly expenses and FI Number!

It will also provide the Gap between your income and expenses, and about how many years it would take you, investing that gap, to reach your FI Number using a conservative 7% return on your investments.

Click HERE to log in and save your numbers, or you may continue as a guest.

Will you have a mortgage or rent during financial independence?



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